Scrumptious Links from the Interwebs

Here are my favorite Agile and Scrum articles from the past week:

Scrumptious Links from the Interwebs

I collect the best Agile and Scrum links throughout the week to share them with you here every Friday:

When implementing scrum for the first time, you read all about the roles, meetings, user stories and more. However, when it comes to planning the first sprint, most of us feel lost and unsure in what exactly needs to be done.

You should feel lost during the first sprint

Free Webinar with Jeff Sutherland. The webinar will be held on December 3, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT. Everyone who registers for the AgileLIVE: Getting to Done – The Power of Scrum webinar will also receive a link to the recording.


Scrum — the practice in which development work is carried out in fast-paced and frequent iterations by closely connected teams –should be easy, fast and fun. But old-style organizational thinking tends to seep back into the process, and Scrum-inspired projects end up like every other overbearing project — late, over budget, and a slog for all.

The four key tenets of Scrum, still not followed enough

An iterative process is one that makes progress through successive refinement. A development team takes a first cut at a system, knowing it is incomplete or weak in some (perhaps many) areas. The team then iteratively refines those areas until the product is satisfactory. With each iteration, the software is improved through the addition of greater detail.

Agile Needs to Be Both Iterative and Incremental

Bootstrap Whiskey: Inspire Your Palette

    The devil’s brew, dead man’s dram, the poison scourge, cannonball swig, the preacher’s lye. For the most part, countries with an ‘e’ in their names(United States, England, Ireland) add the ‘e’ and spell it Whiskey, while other countries without an ‘e'(Scotland, Japan, Canada) spell it Whisky. However you spell it, the beverage is inspiring.

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.”

-Mark Twain

Inspiration can come from anywhere, so I’m breaking down my favorite bottles into simple color palettes to serve for some awe inspiring colors from the ‘water of life’.

Of course, I have to start with the prize of my home state of Tennessee:

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jack Daniels

Jack Daniel’s
Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jack Daniel's Colors

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jack Daniel's Bootstrap

Kentucky Bourbon:

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jim Beam

Jim Beam

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jim Beam's Colors

“I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian who didn’t have a gun, a pack of cards, and a jug of whiskey.”

-Andrew Jackson

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Jim Beam's Bootstrap

Canadian Whisky:

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Crown Royal Whisky

Crown Royal

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Crown Royal's Colors

Scrum Blog Millionaire - Crown Royal's Bootstrap

“The water was not fit to drink. To make it palatable, we had to add whisky. By diligent effort, I learned to like it.”

-Winston Churchill